BIBIGO Seaweed Snack Hot Chilli 4g
Seaweed Snack Hot Chilli
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Bibigo Seaweed Snack uses 100% Korean native seaweed that retains its deep and natural flavor and is roasted at different temperatures depending on the season to maintain a consistent crispness 365 days a year. Seaweed from the clean waters of Korea offers a glimpse into the wonders of the sea.
The crunchy texture that gives way to tenderness, the deep and complex aroma, and the rich flavor - these are the hallmarks of the low-calorie seaweed snack. Seaweed has always been an important source of vitamins in Korean coastal regions during the winter season. Bibigo Seaweed Snack offers a fire-grilled seaweed straight from nature with fresh and healthy ingredients.
seaweed 32% (pyropia yezoensis), sunflower oil, seasoning (oligosaccharide, water, sugar, dextrose, salt, crystalline fructose, SOY sauce (SOYBEAN, WHEAT), flavour enhancer: E621, yeast extract, herb extract), jalapeno chili pepper seasoning (sugar, red pepper seasoning 2% (SOYBEAN, WHEAT), salt, yeast extract, onion powder, jalapeno chili spice mix 0.5%, vinegar powder, tomato powder, dry yeast, anti-caking agent (E341, E551), acidity regulator: E330, dextrin), sea salt, herb extract (emulsifier: E471), oleoresin rosemary.
merilevä 32% (pyropia yezoensis), auringonkukkaöljy, mausteet (oligosakkaridi, vesi, sokeri, dekstroosi, suola, kiteinen fruktoosi, SOIJAkastike (SOIJAPAPU, VEHNÄ), arominvahvenne: E621, hiivauute, yrttiuute), jalapeno chilipippurimauste (sokeri, paprikamauste 2 % (SOIJAPAPU, VEHNÄ), suola, hiivauute, sipulijauhe, jalapeno chili mausteseos 0,5 %, etikkajauhe, tomaattijauhe, kuivahiiva, paakkuuntumisenestoaine (E341, E551), happamuudensäätöaine : E330, dekstriini), merisuola, yrttiuute (emulgointiaine: E471), rosmariini öljyhartsi.
sjögräs 32% (pyropia yezoensis), solrosolja, smaksättare (oligosackarid, vatten, socker, dextros, salt, kristallin fruktos, SOJAsås (SOJABÖNOR, VETE), smakförstärkare: E621, jästextrakt, örtextrakt), jalapeno chilipeppar krydda (socker, röd paprikakrydda 2% (SOJABÖNOR, VETE), salt, jästextrakt, lökpulver, jalapeno chili kryddblandning 0,5%, vinägerpulver, tomatpulver, torrjäst, antiklumpningsmedel (E341, E551), surhetsreglerande medel : E330, dextrin), havssalt, örtextrakt (emulgeringsmedel: E471), oleoresin rosmarin.
Frequently Asked Questions
Normal delivery time
Finland: 1-2 business days
Baltics: 2-3 business days
Sweden: 2-5 business days
Most items, such as snacks and ramen, should be stored in a cool, dry place. For products like kimchi or drinks, we recommend refrigerating them after opening to maintain freshness.
Yes! We offer a variety of Vegan and Halal products. You can easily filter these options while browsing or check the product description for specific dietary information.
Due to health and safety regulations, we cannot accept returns on food products once opened. However, if you receive a damaged or incorrect item, please contact our customer service within 14 days for a replacement or refund.