Nongshim Chapagetti 140g
Bringing authentic Chajangmyun home to you!
Chapagetti is Nongshim’s version of the Chajangmyun Noodles, an immensly popular product in Korea. Nongshim spent years developing and tweaking the secret Chajang recipe until it tasted just like the classic Chajangmyun restaurants all over Korea. Enjoy the taste of Chajangmyun at the comfort of your home!
Noodles 86%: WHEAT flour, potato starch, palm oil, salt, antioxidant: E306, emulsifier: E322 (contains SOY), sunflower oil, acidity regulator: E501, E500, E339, color: E101. Seasoning powder 9%: seasoning (soybean paste (SOYbean, WHEAT), onion, maltodextrin, corn flour, salt, modified tapioca starch, palm oil, WHEAT flour, SHRIMP), sugar, maltodextrin, colour:E150c, flavour enhancers: E621, E627, E631, salt. Mixed vegetable oil 3%: vegetable oils (rapeseed, onion, olive, corn, SESAME, MUSTARD). Soy vegetable flakes 2%: textured vegetable protein (SOY, WHEAT GLUTEN), white cabbage, fried potato (potato, palm oil), onion, carrot. May contain BARLEY, EGGS, FISH, PEANUT, MILK, CELERY and MOLLUSCS
Nuudelit 86 %: VEHNÄJAUHO, perunatärkkelys, palmuöljy, suola, antioksidantti: E306, emulgointiaine: E322 (sisältää SOIJAA), auringonkukkaöljy, happamuudensäätöaine: E501, E500, E339, väri: E101. Maustejauhe 9 %: mausteet (soijapasta (SOIJApapu, VEHNÄ), sipuli, maltodekstriini, maissijauho, suola, muunnettu tapiokatärkkelys, palmuöljy, VEHNÄJAUHO, KATKARAPU), sokeri, maltodekstriini, väri: E150c, arominvahventeet: E621, E627, E631, suola. Sekoitettu kasviöljy 3 %: kasviöljyt (rypsi, sipuli, oliivi, maissi, SEESAMI, SINAPPI). Soijakasvishiutaleet 2 %: teksturoitu kasviproteiini (SOIJA, VEHNÄGLUTEENI), valkokaali, paistettu peruna (peruna, palmuöljy), sipuli, porkkana. Saattaa sisältää OHRAA, MUNIA, KALAA, MAAPÄHKINÄÄ, MAITOA, SELLERI ja NILVIKKEET
Nudlar 86%: VETEmjöl, potatisstärkelse, palmolja, salt, antioxidant: E306, emulgeringsmedel: E322 (innehåller SOJA), solrosolja, surhetsreglerande medel: E501, E500, E339, färg: E101. Kryddpulver 9%: kryddor (sojabönpasta (SOJAböna, VETE), lök, maltodextrin, majsmjöl, salt, modifierad tapiokastärkelse, palmolja, VETEMJÖL, RÄKOR), socker, maltodextrin, färg:E150c, smakförstärkare: E621, E627, E631, salt. Blandad vegetabilisk olja 3%: vegetabiliska oljor (raps, lök, oliv, majs, SESAM, SENAP). Vegetabiliska sojaflingor 2%: strukturerat vegetabiliskt protein (SOJA, VETEGLUTEN), vitkål, stekt potatis (potatis, palmolja), lök, morot. Kan innehålla KORN, ÄGG, FISK, JORDNÖTTER, MJÖLK, SELLERI och BLÖDJOR
Frequently Asked Questions
Normal delivery time
Finland: 1-2 business days
Baltics: 2-3 business days
Sweden: 2-5 business days
Most items, such as snacks and ramen, should be stored in a cool, dry place. For products like kimchi or drinks, we recommend refrigerating them after opening to maintain freshness.
Yes! We offer a variety of Vegan and Halal products. You can easily filter these options while browsing or check the product description for specific dietary information.
Due to health and safety regulations, we cannot accept returns on food products once opened. However, if you receive a damaged or incorrect item, please contact our customer service within 14 days for a replacement or refund.