Yangban Kimmy Seasoned Seaweed Kimchi 2.7g X 8 Packs
Yangban Kimmy Seasoned Seaweed Snack Kimchi Flavor
Yangban Kimmy Seasoned Seaweed Snack Kimchi Flavor is a healthy vegetable from the sea. “Kimmy” is a brand-new healthy seasoned laver snack from Dongwon. This product’s name, “Kimmy”, is named from the Korean word “Kim” meaning “laver”. “Kimmy” is made of the finest Korean seaweed.
Healthy Snack for Kids, Enjoy with Beer, Eat with Cooked Rice, California Roll with your favorite ingredients, Furikake (Topping), Fake Moustache or Whiskers for Fun. Seasoned laver is excellent food because of its nutritional values.
Seaweed is low in cholesterol and a good source of Vitamin B5 : Beneficial for reducing cholesterol, Rheumatoid arthritis and Acne. Dried or roasted seaweed/laver also contains Magnesium, Vitamin 1 and Iron which are essential for preventing diabetes and heart attacks.
Seaweed, rapeseed oil, sesame oil, salt, kimchi powder 9% (salt, spices, dextrin, flavor enhancer: monosodium glutamate; disodium 5-ribonucleotide; red pepper, acidity regulator: calcium phosphate; acidifier: lactic acid; ginger extract, coloring : paprika extract; garlic oil, thickener: xanthan gum).
Merilevä, rypsiöljy, seesamiöljy, suola, kimchijauhe 9 % (suola, mausteet, dekstriini, arominvahvenne: natriumglutamaatti; dinatrium-5-ribonukleotidi; punainen paprika, happamuudensäätöaine: kalsiumfosfaatti; happamuudensäätöaine: maitohappo; inkivääriuute, väri: paprika-uute; valkosipuliöljy, sakeuttamisaine: ksantaanikumi).
Sjögräs, rapsolja, sesamolja, salt, kimchipulver 9 % (salt, kryddor, dextrin, smakförstärkare: natriumglutamat; dinatrium-5-ribonukleotid; röd paprika, surhetsreglerande medel: kalciumfosfat; surhetsreglerare: mjölksyra; ingefäraextrakt, färgämne: paprikautdrag; vitlöksolja, förtjockningsmedel: xantangummi).
Frequently Asked Questions
Normal delivery time
Finland: 1-2 business days
Baltics: 2-3 business days
Sweden: 2-5 business days
Most items, such as snacks and ramen, should be stored in a cool, dry place. For products like kimchi or drinks, we recommend refrigerating them after opening to maintain freshness.
Yes! We offer a variety of Vegan and Halal products. You can easily filter these options while browsing or check the product description for specific dietary information.
Due to health and safety regulations, we cannot accept returns on food products once opened. However, if you receive a damaged or incorrect item, please contact our customer service within 14 days for a replacement or refund.